Crime & Police News Winter 2018/9

Here you will find the latest information about crime and neighbourhood watch for the 2018/2019 winter months.

Posted 13.3.19 –

Burglaries at homes in Avon Dassett & Shuckburgh Road, Priors Marston

Please be aware of the following incidents, which have occurred at premises in your area over recent days:
Incident 166 of 8 March – Between 9am and 4pm on 7 March, offenders entered a secure outbuilding at a rural home in Avon Dassett and stole a very heavy lawn mower with a roller attached.

Incident 399 of 8 MArch – At 8pm on 8 March, the resident of a home in Shuckburgh Road, Priors Marston returned home and saw a car parked in the road. The occupant of the car beeped the horn and an offender ran out of the side entrance to the house. The offender quickly got into the car and they sped off. Nothing appears to have been stolen.

Sender: 5514

Business Area Name: Citizens in Policing

Read more

April 2019 Southam SNT Newsletter, click here

March 2019 Southam SNT Newsletter, click here

Latest National NHW News February, click here

February Southam SNT Newsletter, click here

January Southam SNT Newsletter, click here

December Southam SNT Christmas Newsletter, click here

Latest December National Neighbourhood Watch December Newsletter click here

We start with the national Neighbourhood Watch October e-news, click here

Click here for the Southam SNT October Newsletter

Click here for the Southam SNT November Newsletter

Don’t let a bad time spoil your Christmas! Ask for “Angela”

Are you are on a date that isn’t working out?

Is your Tinder or Plenty of Fish (PoF) date not who they said they were on their profile?

Does it all feel a bit Weird?

If you are out in a pub or club and feel like you’re not in a safe situation, go to the bar and ask for “Angela”. The bar staff will know you need some help getting out of your situation and will call you a taxi or help you out discreetly – without too much fuss.

Advice for staff using ‘Ask for Angela’

If you work in a pub, club or shop and regularly deal with members of the public, do you know what to do if someone asks YOU for “Angela”? 

  1. Ask the person in distress what it is they want to do? It might be that they just want to alert staff that things are becoming uncomfortable and might need someone to keep watch whilst they collect possessions from the area where they were seated.
  2. Offer to call the person a taxi or assist them in calling a friend/family member to come and collect them.
  3. Where safe to do so (the person asking for help is out of sight and the staff consider it safe), request the person causing distress leaves the venue.
  4. DO NOT allow the person asking for help to leave the venue in sight of the person causing distress – this could lead to them being followed out of the venue and placed at higher risk.
  5. If the person causing distress becomes angry, consider calling the police for assistance or follow your corporate policy on this issue.

For more information please contact your local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team on 101.